Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions Area!
You will find some of the most commonly asked questions we receive, and our answers to these questions below.
If you should have a question which isn't yet listed, please send us an email and we'll be happy to answer your question.

The use of any tool or viewer which allows you to illegally copy another person's content is strictly prohibited.
If we discover anyone using such a tool or viewer, their account will be banned from our world without warning - NO EXCEPTIONS!

Please use the search tool inside your viewer and search for whatever it is you are looking for.

It can sometimes take up to 24 hours to place your new region online. Once online, you can open the map inside your viewer and "Search" using the name of your region using the search tool inside the map. Once found, double click on it to be teleported there. Once there, be sure to set your "Home" to this new region if desired and you can simply click the "Home" button in your viewer to go there in the future.

By default, all regions are set to allow 100 avatars.

We call this feature "Offline Messages to Email". You can enable this in your viewer preferences.
Please note: you must ensure the email address attached to your avatar is a valid email and is not blocking emails from our system. Once configured, our process will check for any waiting messages each 5 minutes, if it finds waiting messages for you, and you have enabled this feature in your viwer, we'll send an email with details on your waiting messages.
Once you login to the virtual world, these messages will be delivered to your avatar and deleted from our system. Please keep in mind, offline messages have a limit, if your avatar has already reached the maximum allowed offline messages, anyone sending a new message will receive a message that you can no longer receive any messages. To correct this, simply login to the virtual world to retrieve your messages, thus emptying your waiting message queue.

Simply click the "Store" link in the menu above, choose and pay for your service and we'll have it ready quickly.